September 25, 2024
Dear Members,
The Board of Governors has appointed the Nominating Committee for this year. We would like to acknowledge our appreciation in advance for their willingness to contribute their time to this important task on behalf of the VBBC. The Committee will be seeking candidates to fill three vacancies on the Board of Governors for calendar year 2025.
The candidates, along with four existing Governors who are standing for a second term, will be presented to the membership for approval at the Annual Meeting in December.
The Committee Chair is John Brunner and the Committee includes Dell Hatten, Chris Smith, Jamie Portell, Marilyn Ragland and Jan Weber (non-voting).
Among other duties, the Board of Governors is responsible for hiring and overseeing the club managers, managing the club’s finances, appointing committees and setting various policies.The Board typically meets monthly for 1-2 hours . Governors serve two-year terms which begin in January. They may serve two consecutive terms.
The members of the 2024 Board of Governors are:
Denis Conlon, President Standing for 2nd term
Ann Espy, Vice President Standing for 2nd term
Steven Trooboff, Treasurer Standing for 2nd term
Julie Geer, Secretary Standing for 2nd term
Paula Brockelman In 1st of two-year term
Ellen Silverstein In 1st of two-year term
Louann Yates In 1st of two-year term
Dell Hatten Stepping down - end of term
Roz Cline Stepping down - end of term
Alan Shapiro Stepping down - end of term
Serving on the Board is a meaningful commitment to supporting your bridge club. If you are interested, or if you would like to recommend someone, please speak with John Brunner (email him at johnjanebrunner@aol.com) or any of the Committee members.
Play well,